Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Heart for Islam 2009

The muslim community who are yet to recover from the long-time challenge of Islamophobia need to make concerted effort to counter and develop more positive public opinion, be it among the non-muslims or among the ignorant muslim themselves. At our level, due to the limited capicity and access that is available, the Mosque Administration Unit in collaborating with the Rakan Masjid of UTP is taking an initiative to continue organizing an annual event that would hopefully contribute to improve the image of Islam among the UTP community. This year the ‘Heart for Islam” Campaign 2009 has broaden the outreach from the traditionally UTP students only to all staff from UTP as well as student from other universities and school.
The objectives of this event are to facilitate better understanding of the beauty of Islam to the campus community as well as the members of the UTP Mosque Kariah.It’s also provide venue for the UTP community ( local/international students & staff ) to internalise and institutionalise Islamic value in their daily life.Beside that, it is a platform to search talents among the UTP community in Islamic arts and cultural events to support the UTP vision in producing well-rounded graduates. The most important thing is to strengthen the bonds between UTP students, staffs, members of UTP Mosque kariah as well as students from other universities/colleges and schools .
Many interesting activities will be conducted during Heart for Islam such as PIDACIL, Islamic Art Inspiration Night,Marathon and many more.This year the targeted participants are local and international students of utp,utp staff, students from primary and secondary school around Perak and students from other universities and colleges.Hopefully, Heart For Islam 2009 campaign this semester will develop a better understanding towards Islam to all and will assist us to overcome our weaknesses. There is always success promised by Allah SWT for someone who is helping His religion with his/her own heart. This event is full of change, hence, it requires big commitment from all committees as well as from the management. Hence, lets put our hand together to ensure we will successfully run this event and spread Islam to all

there will be more activities and suprieses !!!!!!!!!

3rd of February 2009

Opening Ceremony
09.00 p.m : Arrival of students
09.15 p.m : Arrival of VIPs
09.20 p.m : Welcoming Speech by Master of Ceremony
09.25 p.m : Doa recitation
09.30 p.m : Opening ceremony begins
Project Manager ’s speech
Officiator’s speech
Officiator launching the “Heart 4 Islam Campaign”
09.50 p.m : Montage presentation
10.00 p.m : Forum
11.30 p.m : Sovenir giving & Closing speech by Master of Ceremony
11.40 p.m : Refreshment
11.40 p.m. : End of ceremony

Opening Ceremony and Forum
Multi Purpose Hall

Multi Purpose Hall


( Friday-Sunday )
IHTIFAL(Islamic Calligraphy, ‘Athan, Islamic Oratory and Quran Memorization )
Old Mosque

Dewan Serbaguna UTP

(Tuesday- Wednesday)
-UTP level
Multi Purpose Hall

Closing Ceremony and Final MIS

for more information, click on

Don't let this chances go!!!!

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